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Waiting Is Awesome

As I write this I’m sitting in the Prytania movie theater in Uptown New Orleans for what is surely the most awesome premiere I’ve ever attended. We are waiting to see Waiting, and there’s a live jazz band out front and three — count em — open bars, two outside the theater and one inside, right next to our front row seats. Admission is free, drinks are free, even the popcorn and the gourmet snacks are free. Local celebrities are milling about — Chris Rose, Chris Champagne, Lindy Boggs, Jackie Clarkson. I even saw the Nac. Who knows if the movie is any good, but as long as the free rum-and-cokes keep flowing, I say this little shindig is top-drawer. I’ve been assured the bar will remain open throughout the screening.

Update after the show: Turns out I enjoyed Waiting immensely. It was crude, vulgar and juvenile, but it also seemed to really understand the world of food service. It was also funny as hell. Of course I really needed a laugh.

It was produced in Louisiana. Maybe even in New Orleans, I’m not sure. It was financed by my bank, Hibernia. Louisiana is the number three state for film production (running far, far behind CA and NY I’m sure). And post-Katrina, even more productions are being scheduled here. It’s heartening.

Published inFilm & VideoNew Orleans


  1. […] October 9th-21st: I borrow Dad’s truck for a solo flight back down to New Orleans. I stay on David’s futon. Most days I go to work on my house. It’s exhausting, gut-wrenching, heart-breaking work but it makes me feel better. A bright note: Waiting premieres at the Prytania. […]

  2. […] (2005) I give this one high marks for sentimental reasons, because it premiered at the Prytania Theater in New Orleans just six weeks post-Katrina. It was shot in Kenner. Plus, it has that smarmy Mac guy […]

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