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Settling In

It was the silverware that really got to me.

A couple days ago we moved into a house on the east side of IU’s campus. The housing was graciously donated to us, rent free for at least a month, by Timothy and Susan Mayer. They are parents of Andrew Mayer, a friend and video collaborator who is now living in Los Angeles.

It’s a nice neighborhood, almost completely populated by students, and just a block or two away from Indiana University’s massive campus. Ironically, it’s very close to Ashton dormitory, where IU will be housing around 100 evacuees who are expected to arrive Monday.

Xy starts work at Harmony school on Monday. I’m still looking for some sort of work, but I’m not sure exactly what. Xavier has said that faculty and staff will remain on salary, with classes resuming January 4th. That seems bravely optimistic.

A bunch of people have given us (or loaned us) a bunch of stuff. We’ve really landed on our feet. We appreciate everyone who’s helped us.

But somehow it was unpacking the new set of silverware that really drove home the fact that we’re gonna be here for a while. I’ve known that, of course, but something about that silverware was very depressing.

Yet mostly our spirits remain high. I’ve been riding a complex torrent of conflicting emotions, predominantly sadness, rage and shame, mixed with guilt, hope, confusion and a thousand other feelings. Despair seems constantly imminent, held at bay by a mere act of volition. I remind myself that it’s a choice — a choice I’m not going to make. I’m not going to wallow in self-pity. There’s to much at stake now, both for myself and my city, to waste time with that.

I’m sorry I haven’t been able to keep up with e-mails. Many people have contacted me. I’ve been unable to respond because of limited internet access. Hopefully that will change next week sometime with a computer and a broadband connection.

Gotta run now — Chad Carruthers wants to interview me on WFHB for the daily local news program at 5:30pm (central). Listen in if you get a chance.

Published inBloomingtonKatrina

One Comment

  1. Just happened to read this post and was able to listen to your interview via iTunes.

    I still get IU Alumni mailings, and they sent me some interesting IU stats on N.O. Below is an excerpt from their latest email:

    “So far, the Bloomington campus has admitted more than 80 displaced students, including 19 students from the Tulane University Law School. IUB has also provided temporary housing at Ashton Center, a former dormitory which was empty a week ago, to about 130 non-student victims whose homes were destroyed.”

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