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Tisha Isha

Students go back to the New Orleans Public Schools today. In theory anyway. In practice — but that’s another story.

The big hype this year? The tissue issue. (Pronunciation guide: tisha isha.) Yes, administrators are actually promising toilet paper will be on hand at every school this year! Amazing.

From the Sunday T-P:

A&M executive Sajan George, now the system’s chief operating officer, toured the system throughout the week, spewing orders and making promises, including the bold vow that every school bathroom will start school with toilet paper — a marked departure from past years.

As he made the claim at a meeting with 200 teachers late Wednesday afternoon, the room erupted in gasps and cries of shock. “I’d like to see that!” several exclaimed.

Xy reports that a hotline has been established just for toilet paper. If a school runs out, all they have to do is call the hotline, and someone will be dispensed to run down to the Wal-Mart and buy more.

I shit you not.

Published inNew OrleansThe Ed Biz


  1. pj pj

    What’s that number? We’re almost out and I don’t want to get caught with my pants down.

    I kill me..

  2. Tisha Tisha

    Ran across this artical because I googleds my name ‘Tisha’; you know what kids called me in grade school. “Tisha Tissue Paper”, I felt you need to know

  3. Wow, man. that’ll be the first time since 1968! Guess whoever had the T.P. contract all these years is now sticking it to the Houston or Little Rock or Dallas school system!!!

    Those teeny-weeny single-fold smaller-than-pocket-Kleenex pieces of coarse toilet paper were almost as enjoyable as the stinky single-fold brown paper towels and empty soap holders.

    Personally, I consider the dates of my own enrollment and think it was revenge for integration.

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