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Miserably Happy

Since Holy Thursday and Good Friday are staff holidays at the University, I decided to take Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as vacation days and make a week of it. I figured I’d use the time to wrap up production of ROX #91. Plus Xy & I planned a brief, one-night excursion to the Gulf Coast, perhaps Pass Christian or Bay St. Louis or Gulfport.

On Monday night I felt a vague tickle in the back of my throat, but I didn’t think much of it.

On Tuesday I woke up with a sore throat, and so I gargled with salt water a couple times, drank lots of fluids, and took it pretty easy, except for one extended bike ride to scout shooting locations in the neighborhood. I was convinced that the sore throat would go away and amount to nothing more than that.

On Wednesday the sore throat was still there, but no other symptoms. I got my hair cut. I worked on scripting. I felt pretty much fine — until that night. That’s when the snot started to flow.

Thursday was weird. There were times when I barely felt sick at all. Still, I took it easy, hanging around the house and videotaping a couple of transitional segments for the show. While I was taping in the kitchen, just as I finished a take, the phone rang. It was Ms. Emaan Halim of Free Speech TV. She had reviewed our program submission, sent in late January, and she said they were interested in airing ROX on their satellite channel if we could scrape together 13-26 episodes with more or less political themes.

Well, this was great news, and it lifted my spirits considerably. But a couple hours later my physical situation began to deteriorate. Any hopes that I would be better by Friday for our beach outing were dashed as I descended into a maelstrom of severe sinus congestion, and chills, and aches and pains.

Today — Friday — is just as beautiful as predicted. Could be the most beautiful day of the year. And I feel like a complete wreck. Being sick on holiday really sucks.

But I’m happy in my misery. I’d just about given up hope on Free Speech TV, and that in turn was giving me cause to wonder about the direction of the ROX project. The fact that FSTV is interested, and that we may have venue for ROX that could provide wider exposure than a couple of public access stations, a “real” television venue beyond the Web — well, that’s just awesome.

Published inBodyROX


  1. David David

    Congratulations on Free Speech TV!

    If your illness is what I (and seemingly half the people I know) had, you’ve got about 2 more weeks of illness staring you in the face. (Sorry.) After the snot, comes the raspy chest congestion.

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