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Out of Sorts

For the last several days I’ve been feeling tired, listless, depressed, irritable and grumpy. Not to mention a little morose. I wonder why?

Maybe I haven’t been getting enough sleep.

Or maybe I haven’t been getting enough exercise.

Or maybe I haven’t been eating right.

Or maybe I’ve been drinking too much coffee.

Or maybe I’ve been drinking too much alcohol.

Or maybe it’s because I’ve been procrastinating on a couple extracurricular projects.

Or maybe it’s because of the impending holiday season and the attendant family reunion.

Or maybe it’s because the end of the year is approaching and I’m thinking of all the shit I didn’t accomplish this year.

Or maybe it’s because my birthday is approaching and I’m thinking of all the shit I didn’t accomplish in my life.

Or maybe I’m in a rut at work.

Or maybe it’s all these jets and helicopters that have been flying overhead lately.

Or maybe it’s because America is devolving.

Or maybe it’s because I’m spending too much time obsessively downloading MP3s via peer-to-peer file-sharing networks.

Or maybe I’m spending too much time on the Internet.

Or maybe I’m just spending too much time in front of a computer.

Or maybe it’s because I’m not really enjoying the novel I’m reading right now, but I feel duty-bound to read it for my club.

Or maybe it’s for no reason at all.

Or maybe it’s some kind of cyclical thing.

Or maybe I’m just overwhelmed by the sheer emptiness of existence.

Yeah, I think that’s it.

Published inMiscellaneous


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