Some mornings the journey to the workplace is a boring old slog. But not usually, not for me. I try to make a point to…
Pronounce the dot.
Some mornings the journey to the workplace is a boring old slog. But not usually, not for me. I try to make a point to…
Even though I’ve been feeling much better after my initial bout with bronchitis, I’ve continued to have minor relapses. I exert myself and then feel…
Here’s a new one: I got an automated call from eTrade, asking me to call them about my account; checking the website, I saw I…
Just when I thought I’d seen it all in this crazy post-Apocalyptic city of ours, I discovered the bizarre mystery that is… The House of…
Just around the corner the other morning: Don’t ask me. I have no idea. (By all means, click the picture for a bigger version.)
We went to see the Edgeweed High School production of Rebel Without a Cause. Xy’s godmother, Sally, is the drama coach there. A weird thing…
So last night around 9 p.m. I mixed myself a drink and went downstairs, thinking that I would veg out watching some television. Xy was…