Classes begin today at Xy’s school. So soon? Well, yes. There’s no longer a single big “back to school” day in our fractured system. All…
Pronounce the dot.
Classes begin today at Xy’s school. So soon? Well, yes. There’s no longer a single big “back to school” day in our fractured system. All…
Xy’s gearing up for the school year. Teachers are subjected to a seemingly endless number of “professional development” events. I pay some attention to this,…
Bad news everywhere. The sunken barge shifted in the Mississippi last night, spilling yet more oil into the river. Stacy Head (my Council rep) is attacking Jerome Smith for no good reason. Derrick “Saggy Pants” Shepherd is going down in flames.
But I don’t care, because I got a new monitor at work.
Actually, I got the monitor a couple weeks ago, only to discover to my chagrin that I couldn’t get full resolution without a graphics card upgrade. So it’s been sitting to the side, unplugged, until today.
The card has arrived, and I am rocking four megapixels.
Boss Lady’s out for the rest of the month, at an AP reading and then a conference. Olivia’s brother passed away, so she’s in Alabama.…
No school today, so quiet — and then the machinery.
I’m back at work today after a three-month leave. It feels weird to be sitting in my office instead of taking care of baby or sweating some renovation details.
It seems today is also my boss’ birthday. Funny thing, her husband is a local blogger, but she doesn’t read his blog as a rule, just like my wife doesn’t read my blog. After a talk we had last year, my boss said she wouldn’t read this blog either, because we agreed it could produce some odd dynamics and also what’s the point of reading someone’s blog when you see them every day?
Of course, over the past months I haven’t seen much of my co-workers, so this blog may have been a good way for them to catch up on my life. But I do sincerely hope that my boss isn’t reading this now…
We took Persephone in to Xy’s school to visit some of Xy’s students. As she predicted, it was a mob scene. I’ve posted the pix…
I went in to work last Tuesday just to remind everyone what I look like and make sure they hadn’t changed the lock on my…
The Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) guarantees we can take twelve weeks off from work to have a baby or care for a sick…
I overheard Xy talking on the phone, commiserating with a co-worker about a frustrating staff meeting: I felt like giving birth right there and telling…
I cajoled Xy into attending our local meeting of the School Facilities Master Plan for Orleans Parish on Tuesday night. It reminded me of the…
Last night Xy and I took one of her students out to dinner at Venezia’s. We had pasta and pizza and then got desert at…
We’re having a holiday open house at the office today, and we all brought cookies and other sweets. I thought it would be fun and…
I found a tiny gecko today on the fifth floor near the freight elevator. At least I think it’s a gecko. I almost stepped on…
Before the panel, Chris and Sandy and Alan and Ted and I were sitting together, having breakfast and chatting. Chris asked each of us for…
Last week I moderated a blogger panel. I was disappointed with the low attendance, but at certain times of the semester it’s hard to get…
It’s been a couple weeks since I participated in a panel sponsored by Xavier University’s Communications Department. It was titled “Media, Communication and Community: Private…
Olivia brought this thing into the office last week. Press the button and it comes to life and recites a variety of different spooky-humorous messages.…
We’ve just had E.M.A.N.S. boxes installed all across the campus, including here in our office. The acronym stands for “Emergency Mass Alert Notification System,” and…