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Xy Update

We’ve taken Persephone out of daycare for the summer. Xy’s finally having some time to bond with her, which is a refreshing change after this last school year.

Xy found a new job about a month ago. The bad news is it’s still classroom teaching. She’ll be teaching fourth-grade science and social studies at a small Catholic school on the West Bank. Remember it is the policy of this blog not mention our employers by name, so don’t ask. This represents a $20K pay cut but hopefully she will be happier or at least less miserable. While it’s been nice not to have to worry about money lately, I’ll take a happier spouse any day. A little belt-tightening won’t hurt us.

Xy says she’s going to look at the world through rose-colored lenses. Thus this picture:

Rose-Colored Lenses

In other Xy news, her rollergirl dreams seem to have run aground. She got a knee injury a couple months ago that prevented her from qualifying for the team or skating at all. As she’s healed up, though, she’s come to realize she can’t handle the time commitment. Most players practice at least twice a week, often three or four times, and then there are the bouts themselves. That’s a lot, but it’s what’s need to be competitive. She had a lot of fun but at this point it looks doubtful that “Smallpox” will ever make her debut.

Published inLife with XyPix


  1. Yeah, the time one needs to devote to it and the strong possibility of injury are the reasons why I don’t strap on the skates, pads and helmet and go for it myself. If I get felled by a broken limb or some such thing, it makes caring for my little guy pretty difficult.

    Go, Xy! Get happy, lady…or at least, happier.

  2. Mom Mom

    Love the photo! More power to Christy and a beautiful summer. Any update on the daycare situation?

  3. A friend of mine who used to student teach at Xy’s algiers school started out teaching in the catholic schools over there; the only big problem with them is the pay is awful. You two aren’t catholic (as far as I know) but you are married so you won’t get hell from them on moral grounds, most likely. But she’ll probably have to take her homeroom to Mass and that’s kinda weird.

    You said “small school” so it’s probably not the one my friend and I went to growing up.

    My mom taught for a couple of years in the archdiocese in the 80s too, but she taught music so she was always being pulled in too many directions.

  4. Maybe teaching science will afford a schedule with good breaks to reground herself in, as opposed to being a homeroom teacher for young students & being with them all day. My schedule this year was a piece of cake. I just finished eating a piece of cake, which is why I said that, but I had a nice long break between classes.

  5. […] she’s teaching again, as I mentioned a couple months ago. Since then I’ve been joking that she needs to plan on working there for at least ten years. […]

  6. […] have to confess that we haven’t really done any of the belt-tightening I mentioned last June. I wish there was some obvious substantial luxury expense we could forgo. Perhaps we can do enough […]

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