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Root Canal

Xy got her root canal. She’s drugged up — so what else is new? Actually the dentist didn’t finish the job, only phase one. She’s got to go back in for phases two and three. He also discovered she has an ear and throat infection, so she got a scrip for some antibiotics.

Published inLife with Xy

One Comment

  1. polly polly

    ouch! i hope you at least got percocets or percodans–that was the best part of my wisdom tooth trauma.for the infection, i would recommend lotsa garlic, and when you use antibiotics, eat yogurt or take probiotic supplements to keep your system in balance.and–maybe this is too personal, but if you are on “The Pill”, sometimes antibiotics lessen its effectiveness.that’s how a co-worker had her first child–surprise! remember, i’m not a licensed physician, i just play one on tv

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