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Book of the Year

I’m flattered and flabbergasted to see that Godless Paganism has been named as “Book of the Year” by the ever-insightful Megan Manson.

Godless Paganism

I’m proud to have two essays in this collection, which was edited by John Halstead and features a ton of writing by many folks more talented and expressive than I could ever hope to be.

Ms. Manson calls the book “an essential contribution” and here are a couple more choice passages from her review.

Quite simply, they are Pagans who take great meaning and fulfillment from the nature-based and mystical aspects of Paganism, but want to reconcile this with 21st century rational, scientific outlooks on life.

Godless Paganism shows a very real solution to the very real problem of reconciling modernity with tradition, and spirituality with science: by putting science and naturalism at the heart of spirituality, and by giving people the freedom to define their spiritual experience however they see fit.

Obviously, I’m biased, but I tend to agree. Get your copy today!

Published inBooks & Reading

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