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Happy Candlemas

I drew these candles and asked Persephone to color them red with yellow flames. She understood my instructions perfectly, but it seems she has a mind of her own.


Happy Candlemas!

Published inHoly DazePix

One Comment

  1. They came out very nicely! She’s got a brilliant eye. ;D

    Hi there – I came across your blog through a trail of others that I’d been following. And I read, and kept reading, and reading. And reading. You get the idea. I have a leaning toward New Orleanian writings, as I am currently working very, very hard to move there this year.

    Anyway, I figured it was time to stop lurking and say that this is a wonderful space. And that you are good people. And that I can’t wait to hear more about your spiritual exploration, and everything else!

    Most sincerely,

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