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My Five

James Has a Cocktail

I got my media credential, so happily I will be attending Tales of the Cocktail this summer for the third time.

There’s a host of interesting events at Tales. I find myself drawn to programming around particular spirits (or categories of spirits) and particular cocktails (or categories of cocktails). Your palette may vary. Here are my “top five” seminars which I plan to check out.

  • Beyond Punch: Colonial American Drinks
  • The Negroni: An Iconic Cocktail
  • Who’s Your Daddy? A Mai Tai Paternity Test
  • “Making Love to His Tonic & Gin”
  • Vinegar: The Other Acid

I also hope to check out “The Journey of Artemisia Absinthium” if I can wangle my way in. In fact there are several other seminars I’ll try to attend by flying stand-by. My media credential is not an “all access” pass. Also on my agenda is the VIP session, “Cocktails from Around the World.” It’s sponsored by Diageo, the world’s largest producer of spirits. And there are a plethora of tasting rooms and other events.

But the single thing I’m most excited about is free and open to the public.

Cynar Frozen Concoctions

Time: 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM
Date: Wednesday the 20th of July, 2011
Venue: Hotel Monteleone Front Steps

Enjoy a cool Cynar-inspired frozen concoction! On Wednesday, the fabulous Amaro will be featured in a delectable frozen treat outside the Hotel Monteleone on Royal

Perhaps I’ll see you there?

Of course I’ll be reporting back here on all these fine festive goings-on. Check back in July. In the meantime, you can satisfy your thirst for cocktail lore my roundup of last year’s event.

Published inFood & Drinx


  1. Brooks Brooks

    It’s such a great event. I made it down three years in a row: 2005-07. If I hadn’t joined the ranks of the poor, I’d be there every year.

    Almost any seminar is interesting. I’d be especially interested in the Negroni seminar and also the one on Artemisia Absinthium.

    When did vinegar start making its way into cocktails? I haven’t been paying attention, obviously.

    Lastly, do you ride your bike home, and do you wear a helmet?

  2. Love the Negroni. Just about my favorite cocktail.

    Vinegar is a new one on me, but sounds promising.

    And lastly, I ride my bike there daily. But I fly home.

  3. Peris Peris

    All hail the Negroni!

    Hmmm. Think I have everything I need right here; only some fresh Mandarin oranges, though. Delicious, but not much zest there.

    Also, I don’t think this Tanqueray works so well–too bold. But, still…

    The Breakfast of Champions. Cheers!

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