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Blasts from the Past

I remember when I first encountered the web in 1995. My immediate response was, “I wanna upload my life.” That fundamental motivation continues to drive this blog along. But I still have a lot of catching up to do. To that end, I’ve recently uploaded 70 or so photos and photocopies from 1990. That was twenty years ago, so I figured I should get it done before the end of this year. I scanned this material long ago. It just takes a while to finally get things out there.

Of particular interest, though perhaps only to me, is issue #1 of “The Bart Report,” a two-sided newsletter I sent out in the summer of ’90.

Bart Report 1

You may find these more legible if you “click thru” to Flickr.

Bart Report 2

I still like the graphical aesthetic of this piece. I forget if there was ever a second issue.

You can see the rest of the items from 1990. Here are a couple of my favorites.

Crux Big


See also the sets Crux and Frozen Plant.

Update: How could I forget my favoritest photo of all time, also taken in 1990? Well, it’s because I posted this one last summer. Nevertheless here it is.

Frozen Wheel

Published inPix

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