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Street Flood Panorama

We got some heavy rain Sunday morning. It caused widespread street flooding throughout New Orleans. I know our street certainly flooded. I used the panorama feature of our new camera to take this picture.

Banks Street Submerged

Of course it is better viewed at a larger size. You may even want to examine the original full size photo, but you will have to scroll horizontally for that one unless you have an extremely large monitor.

I remember when the rain was pounding down, and I was looking out the window, and I said, “Rain like this always make me nervous because the streets might flood.”

Our house guest replied, “I like it when the streets flood. It’s fun.”

“Well, it’s not so fun if your car gets destroyed.”

“I can tell you how to avoid getting your car destroyed. Park it in your driveway.”

Which just goes to show that sometimes and eleven-year-old can be smarter than an adult, because I really should have moved our car to the driveway right then and there. Instead I waited, and when the water indeed began to rise, then I decided to move the car. The water came up quick, and the whole process was rather harrowing. Eventually I did get the car to higher ground. Given the vehicle has something like 13″ of ground clearance, I might not even have needed to move it, but why take chances? Several of our neighbors got water in their cars that morning.

Published inNew OrleansPixWeather & Seasons


  1. Robyn Robyn

    “I can tell you how to avoid getting your car destroyed. Park it in your driveway.” = AWESOME!

  2. Older cars are better. Are 1997 Civic got water. We just bailed it out and kept on driving. The 2005 Accord got the same and it died. Turns out they hide the main computer on the passenger side at about the height of your ankles.

  3. […] the driveway. Xy tried to tell me it wasn’t necessary, but I’ve learned my lesson from last time. Of course, when I got back into bed, the rain seemed to taper off significantly, but hey — […]

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