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FOLC Presentation

Here’s a presentation I made last night on the Lafitte Corridor, the greenway project, the revitalization plan, FOLC, and everything else.

Crank up your speakers and click the “full” icon for maximum effect.

Please feel free to share this presentation freely. It’s a work in progress so check the FOLC website for the most recent version.

If you’d like me to come make this presentation to your civic group, just holler.

Published inRails to Trails

One Comment

  1. Kent Kent

    I feel so impressed with the elegance of your presentation. You display passion, commitment, a thorough knowledge, and employ engaging slides. Something wonderful and lasting will come of this! New Orleans benefits greatly through you, and all those in the FLOC who commit themselves to this goal. What can I say? Wow!

    How many people attended?

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