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A Letter from Malik

I’m passing the mic to Malik Rahim who has sent out the following campaign letter. — B

November 19, 2008

Dear friends in the struggle,

As you may be aware, I am seeking election to the United States House of Representatives on December 6. I apologize in advance for the impersonal nature of this letter. I wish I would have had time to call my friends to discuss the details of this campaign. I’m sending this message because I need your help.

Four days after Hurricane Katrina and two days before founding Common Ground I made this decision to run for Congress. This decision was made due to the lack of government response to Katrina. My hope is that never again will any disaster turn into such a tragedy.

This is a winnable seat; a seat not just for residents of the New Orleans area but a peoples’ seat for all those who stand for environmental peace and justice. This goal can only be reached with your support.

I will provide concrete alternatives to the wars being waged against our communities at home and to the wars continuing abroad. Our communities deserve no less. I will continue to advocate for safe, affordable housing, the establishment of universal healthcare, and invest in a comprehensive storm protection system and wetland restoration. I would initiate repeal of the so-called Patriot Act , author legislation to remove FEMA from the Department of Homeland Security, demand an end to the costly and senseless incarceration of nonviolent offenders, and advocate for full funding for our schools. Running a viable campaign requires funding.

Now with less than three weeks away, the campaign has set a goal of raising an additional $20,000 by Friday November 28. With your help we can achieve that end. You can contribute on the campaign website at

I also urge you to get active with our campaign. Canvass your neighborhood and tell your friends and family. If you are out of town, we need additional volunteers on election day and the week leading up to the election. You can phone bank remotely from home or promote the campaign online.

In closing, I want to remind you that I will work tirelessly for the people of District 2. But even if you are not in my Congressional District, your cause is in my heart; you will have not only a committed advocate, but an office to work out of on the Hill.

In the struggle for environmental peace and justice,

Malik Rahim

Send your donation today. Individuals may contribute up to $2300. Use the attached donor form to make as generous a donation as you can. Then forward this email to your friends, co-workers and neighbors, and be sure to Vote Malik in the December 6 election.

Please donate online at or make your check or money order payable to “The Committee to Elect Malik Rahim” and send to:
The Committee to Elect Malik Rahim
331 Atlantic Ave. New Orleans LA 70119

The Federal Election Commission requires the following:

* Donors must provide their name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer.
* Contributions must be from U.S. citizens or legal residents.
* Contributions to the Committee to Elect Malik Rahim are not tax deductible.
By submitting this donation, I declare that I am a US citizen or permanent resident; this contribution is made from my own funds; this is not a corporation, labor organization or federal contractor.

Federal Election law requires that we ask you for all of this information.

FIRST NAME*___________________________________________________________

LAST NAME*___________________________________________________________



STATE*______________________________ ZIP CODE_________________________






AMOUNT $___________________ DATE___________________________

Published inNew OrleansPolitix


  1. anthony anthony

    I wish there were an alternative to Bill Jefferson that I could whole heartedly get behind but Malik ain’t it. I think he was one of the protesters against demolishing the housing projects and that is the wrong side of that issue for me. Perhaps the Vietnamese guy is the wave of the future.

    And this is another problem I have, the idea of “the people’s seat”, as if someone who doesn’t agree with him aren’t “people”. But I had that problem with your choice of Malcolm Suber for council and the “people’s” rhetoric behind that.

  2. daddy o daddy o

    I’ll vote for Malik simply because he’s Green.

    But, amen to Anthony’s thoughts on Suber. The rhetoric I can take, but when he wheat pasted his ugly mug all over mid-city, and still hasn’t had the decency to get himself or his supporters out to clear that ongoing vandalism–well, that just makes him an asshole.

    Go ‘head on Malik.

  3. Sean Sean

    A Green Party Rep would in some strategic ways be more valuable than another Democrat or Republican. It’s another vote that neither of the main parties can take for granted. In terms of candidates not tied to the main 2 parties, Malik has the best shot in this contest.

  4. Anthony: I hesitate to speak for Malik or Malcolm, but I imagine they’d say their opponents don’t represent the people, but instead work on behalf of elite power structures and special interests.

    But I do agree that the “old school” leftist rhetoric is tiresome. My objection is along the lines of that old Beatles lyric: “If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow.” We need t break with that old rhetoric.

    Still that’s only a couple phrases here and there. The heart of Malik’s message is what inspires me.

  5. As a poet, I love rhetoric and propaganda. Truly! But, I do try to see through them.

    It is difficult to find non-cliche ways to state some of the important facts about the Green Party stance, and about progressive politics.

    It is a fact that Green Party candidates do not take money from corporations. So, I think that it is real, and not just rhetoric, to say that they are “for the people.” That means people as opposed to lobbyists and corporations.

    I am a green party member, activist, and supporter, and I find myself writing “of the people” and “for the people” all the time. But, guess we could mull over better, less cliched ways to say things:

    -Individuals over corporations
    -Parties who want empowered citizens.
    -Grassroots democracy

    One reason I think the term “people” comes up so much, is that an old fashioned way to say it might be “citizen”. But, the Greens strive to represent voices of non-citizens as well. Same thing with if you use the actual terminology that lends itself to elections: “voter”. Because, not everyone can vote. Yet, greens want to apply their values to respecting and serving those people, too.

    Maybe we have to go back to my favorite way of referring to the masses? I learned it from a kindergarten teacher in Northport, Long Island: “Friends.”

    Malik will serve all our friends. Malik will end the Patriot Act and strive to create public policy that respects the rights of all friends. Malik knows that the war is a bad, long-term solution that hurts our friends both here and abroad.


    Thanks for the dialogue.

    Hope people here will support Malik for Congress. I have studied the race a bit and do not see a better choice. I also think he actually has a chance to win. And, for whatever his faults and foibles, would be much better than the Dem or Rep, and much more willing to listen and change if he isn’t perfect on something. Also, he is supported, informed, and funded by greens. So, they will be part of his decision-making process.

    Kimberly Wilder

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