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Parental Visitation

We’re just wrapping up a three-night visit from my parents.

Mom & Dad

I put my Dad to work installing brackets for an ambitious shelving project. We installed 35 brackets total.

Bracket Up

But of course the real reason behind the visit was to see their new granddaughter.

My Mom & My Daughter

Mom brought some yummy homemade rhubarb pie all the way from Indiana.

Published inFamilyOur HousePix


  1. Lee Lee

    Ah, the packrat is finally coming out since the renovation is complete? Or you’re just tired of not having your good out for use.

  2. Julie Julie

    These are really nice pictures.

    Hope you guys have started a family album for Persephone to enjoy when she’s older.

  3. Lee: We are just tired of tripping over stuff. We’ve been living in half a house for two and a half years. We’re slowly starting to occupy the whole thing and we need storage space.

    Bullet, rhubarb is a plant with a tart and tangy stalk and a big (poisonous) leaf. We had a patch of ’em where I grew up in Indiana. They’re so tart we kids used to have contests to see if we could eat ’em without making a face. We couldn’t. But dipped in sugar they’re delicious.

    I bought some at the supermarket a while back. Bland beyond belief. Grown for fiber, apparently, rather than flavor.

  4. Karen Karen

    There is some rhuebarb at Rouses. Put it in some vodka with some sugar and leave it for a couple of months. Yummy

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