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On Friday Xy took some of the neighbor kids to the North Shore for a swim at Fontainbleau State Park. But the lake was closed for swimming, and the swimming pool was closed as well. Fortunately she found a water-based attraction, some sort of bizarre playground where the water squirts up from underneath. It might have been at the Tammany Trace Trailhead, but she seems a little hazy on the details. Best of all it was free.

She did get a speeding ticket, however.

Published inLife with XyNeighbors


  1. bullet bullet

    Yeah, West St. Tammany’s really good for that. It’s just lousy with State Troopers and Sheriff’s deputies, keeping them safe from the evil south shore.

  2. Yeah, the cops up there, bored as hell. Don’t cut around anyone on the shoulder while they are left turning, either. My parents live up there, and half my mother’s friends have ticket horror stories.

    Didn’t know the lake was closed to swimming now, it’s usually open on the Mandeville lakefront, and it’s pretty shallow and clean there, for future reference.

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