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Boogaloo II

I remember last year at this time, I was skeptical. What kind of screwed-up, misplaced priorities do my neighbors have, planning a festival when we have so many serious issues to deal with?

But since then I’ve come to my senses. Festivals are a great way to build community. Now more than ever, we need to foster that sense of community. Festivals bring people together across all those social divides that keep people apart. Festivals are an opportunity for civic organizations to reach people they normally don’t reach.

I understand they can also be fun in their own right.


So if you’re in New Orleans, especially if you’re in Mid-City, be sure to check out the second annual Mid-City Bayou Boogaloo this Saturday. It’s like a miniature Jazz Fest, but without the admission charge. I’ll be at the FOLC booth from noon to 2:00 PM. Stop by and say hi.

Published inNew Orleans


  1. I didn’t see the FOLC booth, but i didn’t get there until after 2 anyway. Does anybody know what “COMPROMISE” on the back of the BayouBoogaloo shirts meant? I asked a couple of people wearing them and they didn’t know.

  2. artist_jane artist_jane

    Let everyone know the signed & numbered 2006 Bayou Boogaloo poster is sold out, Thank you.

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