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Funeral, March

Today they’re burying Helen in Columbia, South Carolina.

Tomorrow we march on City Hall in New Orleans.

I’m not attending the funeral. I’m not sure why. I felt like I should go, but I didn’t.

I will be at the march tomorrow. But we’re not marching just for Helen Hill.

We’re marching for Dinerral Shavers.

We’re marching for Jealina Brown.

We’re marching for Steve Blair.

We’re marching for Corey Hayes.

We’re marching for Eddy Saint Fleur.

We’re marching for Monier Gindy.

We’re marching for Don Morgan.

We’re marching for Larry Glover.

We’re marching for Mike Frey who was murdered on March 18th of last year and the 170 people who’ve been murdered since then.

We’re marching for Preston Turner who was murdered around the corner from our house back in May of 2004.

All these deaths were tragic, but Helen was my friend.

Tomorrow we march, but today we weep.

Take a moment to go over to and pay your respects. You might notice that there have been gatherings to honor her memory in seven cities across North America. I think that says something about what an extraordinary woman Helen was. How many of us would be remembered thus?

Update: Listen to a song for Helen.

Published inFriendsNew Orleans


  1. Keith Scarmuzza Keith Scarmuzza


    Thank you for saying all the things you said today at the rally. It was very brave of you to make those statements with all of the city “leaders” standing nearby. I think many people probably feel like I do – that you said a lot of things I’ve been wishing I could communicate to City Hall.

    Great job, and I’m sorry about the loss of your friend. I too feel great loss about the current state of our society.

    Keith Scarmuzza

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