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Back to School

It’s the first day of school for Xy today. I took a picture before she drove off to Algiers this morning.

First Day of School

Here’s hoping this school year doesn’t suffer any major interruption like we had last time. It sure would seem smarter to me if we all took a cue from Dillard and started school after the height of hurricane season was past. Chances are New Orleans won’t get hit by a major hurricane in any given year, but chances are we will evacuate at least once. Evacuation is a pain for everyone, but I think the academic cycle could be easily adjusted to accommodate nature’s patterns and minimize that pain for schools.

Published inLife with XyPixThe Ed Biz


  1. It’s too damn early (too damn hot) to be going back to school. Some schools have already started here to, although, thankfully The Youngest’s isn’t among them. I saw that Dillard has postponed the beginning of their semester. Not a bad idea at all.

  2. […] We speculated on why this might be the case. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the Algiers Charter Schools are starting so early. I remember Brian Riedlinger was on TV saying the early start showed they were serious about education. To be honest, I scoffed at the time. But now I wonder. […]

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