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Eight Months Post-Katrina

It’s been eight months since Hurricane Katrina made landfall on the Gulf Coast. Xy and I made a little (two minute) video to mark the occasion, as we did at the five and six month marks. You can watch it here:

Or, if you have Quicktime 7, you can download a higher-quality version here. (Note for geeks: Vimeo seems to have gone to a Flash-wrapped format, which is great for compatibility but quality takes a hit.)

Published inFilm & VideoKatrinaLife with XyNew Orleans


  1. Scottica Scottica

    I’ll move into the trailer! We can be neighbors! I’ll even drink the water with you! Yeah, go Team America!

  2. Tim Tim

    Short, to the point, effective. What the hell is wrong with the water? I’ve been drinking it right out the tap, and I don’t notice any problems. I’ve been drinking it right out the tap, and I don’t notice any problems. I’ve been drinking it right out the tap, and I don’t notice any problems. I’ve been drinking it right out the tap, and I don’t notice any problems. I’ve been drinking it right out the tap, and I don’t notice any problems. I’ve been drinking it right out the tap, and I don’t notice any problems. I’ve been drinking it right out the tap, and I don’t notice any problems. I’ve been drinking it right out the tap, and I don’t notice any problems.

  3. Great work!!!!!!

    If that’s the trailer facility near Gritz, I’m in trouble too because I live close by. And my 2-year-old’s been having diarrhea.

    Somehow I think the water is an excuse for something else that’s holding up putting people in those trailers.

    Gotta get me one a dem digi-vidi cams.

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