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Quickdraw’s Back

I had a roofer lined up to fix the hole(s) in our roof, but after waiting for six weeks or so, I was starting to get worried.

A couple friends asked me if I would be enlisting the services of Quickdraw to fix my roof. They remembered the fiasco of the past summer. Quickdraw will go down in legend as “the roofer without a ladder.”

I hadn’t seen Quickdraw since the storm — until today. He was working on some of Johnny’s properties. When he saw me, he asked if I needed some roof work done.

Next thing, I’m on a mission to get shingles and roofing nails and a replacement roof vent.

What a pain that was. Nothing went smoothly today. For example, I could not find shingles to match our the color of our roof, which is a very light gray. But you can’t see our roof from the street. I guess it doesn’t really matter.

Quickdraw did the work, for which he charged $550. A bit of a gouge, I thought, but that’s what I get for not asking his price in advance.

And it’s worth it to stay dry next time it rains. Plus Quickdraw seems like he could use some cash. He doesn’t own his own home or a car or, apparently, a ladder. Maybe he blows it all on drugs or alcohol. I hope not.

Published inOur House


  1. As long as you can’t see the shingles, you should have bought two colors and made some descriptive pattern that was easily identifiable on google maps.

  2. Gref Fisherkeller Gref Fisherkeller

    Trust me. $550 was worth it. Getting on the roof and doing it yourself is a really tough job. I spent a few weeks trying to re-roof my garage and felt as if I might fall off the roof at any moment. Very scary.

    Hang in there. It sounds like the renovations are going slow but sure.


  3. I like Jon’s idea! I also wouldn’t worry to much about what QD is spending your $$ on. It sounds like a good deal all around. Your roof is a roof again and you’ve contributed to the part of the economy that needs it the most (at least as far as QD is concerned). 🙂

  4. […] The roofer I’d been waiting on for weeks finally arrived Monday. He critiqued Quickdraw’s work and gave it a big thumbs up. He was a little surpised that “a guy from the neighborhood” had done such a good job. […]

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