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Camaraderie & Thievery

Xy and I had a great breakfast at Slim Goodie’s. We were talking with an Irish grandma (with brogue!) and her daughter and baby granddaughter, and an African-American guy at the next table, praising his Mexican-American neighbor for helping fix up his house and reminiscing about his childhood home which was all but destroyed by Hurricane Betsy and dreaming of opening a comedy club here someday.

This is how I’d like to imagine the future of New Orleans: full of interesting and friendly people of all races.

Then we headed back into the Dead Zone. I understand our zip code was offically “opened” on Monday, but I’m not sure what that means.

We spent the day on the cleanup of our house. We paid particular attention to getting the debris cleared away from in front. Now it looks like someone is actually living there again.

The first thing Xy looked for yesterday was her little portable battery-operated radio/television. But she couldn’t find it, and she was convinced someone had broken in and stolen it.

I was skeptical, since there was little evidence of anything being disturbed. But today we discovered some more items that are missing: batteries (for the radio/tv) and canned catfood.

Also, Xy’s pink robe and our bath towels have disappeared.

So it appears someone did enter and take some things, probably in the days immediately after Katrina. They didn’t take much. If they needed these things, more power to ’em. I wish them well.

Published inKatrinaNew OrleansOur House

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