Rainwater collects in little puddles on several of the steps leading up to our front porch. Ideally these old worn treads should be replaced, but…
Pronounce the dot.
Rainwater collects in little puddles on several of the steps leading up to our front porch. Ideally these old worn treads should be replaced, but…
I almost forgot — the 27th story on our renovation appeared in today’s paper, with a cool picture of yours truly working on the staircase. It’s nice to have a picture of me actually working for a change instead of just standing in front of someone else’s work with a cheesy grin.
I put a second coat of varnish on the stairs today. I should say a big “thank you” to Celcus and Jedd who gave me…
I’m taking some vacation days. Combined with the Thanksgiving holiday, it’s a whole week off work. That gives me time to do this: I’m staining…