January 10, 1984

Philosohpical Musings

I just re-read yesterday's entry. I must confess that I don't know what came over me. I even thought about ripping that page out, but then I resolved never to do such a thing throughout this entire journal. What I write may be stupid, but it is me.

I'm sitting here in my bed, writing. The night is not silent. The two clocks at the foot of my bed make noise. Dad's rock-tumblers in the next room make noise. Cars pass occasionally.

Too bad nothing really exciting happened today. Not that anything really adventurous ever does happen.

I don't complain much. I don't mope around and dwell on the bad things in my life. Nor do I rejoice the good ones. I sort of sit here, like a rock, and take life as it comes.

Maybe it's true. Maybe I'm not emotional enough. Jake S_____ said that. Vic said that. Annegret said it just a few days ago.

Is this what you're supposed to write in a journal? I mean, if I read this 20 years from now, will I wish I had written differently? About different things? In a different style?

I don't know. Maybe if I thought about it enough I could figure it out. I think this journal's pretty important, so maybe it'd be worth it.

But not tonite. I'm too tired. I'm tired of school. Especially Trig! And even English Lit -- not the subject matter, just the tests.

But then, I don't want to wish my youth away. I don't want to work for a living yet. In the olden days I'd be used to working quite a bit by now, at age 16. Or if I lived on a farm. But I don't, and basically I'm spoiled, compared to some.

Writing all this out helps a little, but what I really want is someone to share them with. Victor is my best friend. Yes, I will tell him, and I have told him. We share almost everything. But what I need is someone that I can hold -- who will hold me. Someone who loves me. Someone whom I love. Someone who will sleep with me. Someone female, of course.

But there is no such person in my life. There will be someday, I'm sure.

I hope so. I don't want to be lonely all my life.

It scare me! If this is the pressure and the fear and the weariness I face at age 16, still a child, then what will life be like at 20? 30?

I know I don't want to be lonely.

But I am lonely, tonight.

No, that's a bad attitude to take. I should take a positive one: I will be strong within myself. I will be my own best friend.

(Deep breath.)

I don't think that helped. Ah, well.

It's past midnight now. I've been writing for half an hour.

I'm tired.

It's time to sleep.