We’re looking for dubs of certain early ROX episodes.
Pronounce the dot.
We’re looking for dubs of certain early ROX episodes.
After reading this, I think I’ll make my tea in the fridge.
One year ago today: Tropical Storm Arlene.
I urge every insurance policy holder in Louisiana to support SB 620 and HB 510. If you want to know why, read Michael’s impassioned address…
Today is National Dam Safety Awareness Day. Sadly, there is no National Levee Safety Awareness Day. Dammit.
Another .rox blogger: Welcome aboard to Lee, the DVD Guy who will be blogging at magic.rox.
Well, this sucks. Scientists report that parts of New Orleans are sinking “four or five times faster than the rest of the city,” at a…
Check out this presentation on the rebuilding of Xavier University (PDF, about three and half MB). Astonishing pictures of the flooded campus.
Somehow over the course of the last month or so, my frame of mind has slipped from tightly-bridled optimism to vague worry, mild stress and…
Best news I heard yesterday: People are finally starting to move into the trailer site a block from our house. The trailers have been sitting…
I’m disappointed by the spin of this article in City Business —laf the headline in particular. “Film studio under fire”? C’mon. No one is criticizing…
My take on Mayor Nagin’s re-election? I can’t say it half as well as da po’ boy already did.
I just saw something I’ve never seen in my seven years here at the University: students throwing a football around in the quad. It did…
My friend Michael is fighting back. Anyone else out there in America who pays money to Big Insurance Companies — I hope you’re paying attention…
The most radical proposal I heard at last weekend’s AIA conference: Tear down the stretch of I-10 that passes through the center of New Orleans…
As it develops, not only am I on the search committee to find my new boss — I’m the damn chair.
Google Maps for my phone. Works like a dream. Hooray.
An architect/planner from Baltimore gave me the following advice at the AIA dinner I attended last nite: “Don’t let a bunch of architects and planners…
Simon Dorfman has posted a video interview with yours truly at PeopleOfNewOrleans.com.
Simon Dorfman has launched PeopleOfNewOrleans.com. Check out his self-interview for an idea of what the project is about.