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Death Comes in Threes

Elliott and Elizabeth had to put their old friend Slim to sleep Wednesday. He was almost 14.

Also on Wednesday my Aunt Suzanne passed away at St. Vincent’s hospital in Green Bay, Wisconsin. I’m not certain but I think it might have been a stroke. I don’t know her age, but I’m guessing she was around 70.

And my friend “Tall” Steve Volan lost his sister on Sunday to complications from Marfan syndrome. Angela Volan was 36.

May they rest in peace. My thoughts and sympathies are with my friends and family. I grieve with you.

Published inFamilyFriends

One Comment

  1. Karen Scafidi Karen Scafidi

    Well…I haven’t visited the website of my free-thinking nephew, but, today, I pulled it up. We just had an 80th surprise party for his Uncle Bob – and there was talk about a news story recently about a couple in New Orleans (they were in some kind of “alternative” belief) where the guy killed the girlfriend (they were living together), put her head on a stove to sautee, and had other body parts ready for cooking. He didn’t follow through – as there was no human stuff in his stomach – but he did kill himself because he thought it was the right thing to do- (and in my opinion it was!)

    And then I saw the reference to my sister’s death – and I realized how impersonal she was to b.rox. And please…..I understand that you didn’t know her well…..but to put her in the same category as somebody’s pet makes me sad. She was 73 – cancer came back for the second time, and through all the medical technology – giving her endless pills, treatments, wrong diagnoses, etc… she died. But she left a legion who loved her because she was kind, giving, and non-judgemental. I’m sorry you didn’t know her better.

    Your “Unitarian Red Hat Aunt Karen.”

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