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This morning I had a delicious breakfast at the Runcible Spoon with Ron Osgood and Thom Gillespie.

Afterwards, I blew a stop sign at 4th & Dunn. I don’t know if I was tired or fiddling with the radio or what. I just didn’t see the sign.

The good news is that this screw-up didn’t result in a traffic accident. The bad news is that there was a cop right behind me.

When he saw my Louisiana driver’s license with the New Orleans address, and I explained that I was headed back there in two days, I thought maybe I’d catch a break.

Not so. He wrote me a citation, or a “complaint” as it says on the paperwork, for an “infraction.”

He didn’t have a fine schedule for me, so I had to call the Monroe Circuit Court to learn what I owe: $113.50.

I wanted to go right down there and pay cash, but the clerk told me the officer’s paperwork won’t be processed for a couple weeks, so it looks like I’ll have to mail a money order from New Orleans.

Published inBloomington


  1. Tim and Sue Tim and Sue


    The men in blue are always on the lookout in B/Town. Sorry that you got nailed — what a send-off.

    Many years ago, I got stopped in Indy while migrating to KC from NYC. The cop said, “If I were you — I’d leave the state in the a. m. (that was before “Mitch” time) and never get stopped in IN again!” I did and it worked. No fine. No time.

    Safe trip to you and yours.


    PS: I’ll bet that the county clerk would accept a bunch of shrimp or gumbo for payment.

  2. Brian Jones Brian Jones

    For some reason I pictured you driving the station wagon with “Voodoo” painted on the side. That would be appropriate for a car with New Orleans, LA plates.

  3. PoopMachine PoopMachine

    With all due respect, Spab, “Cops are only good for giving tickets. I hate when life dishes out this kind of absurdity,” is a moronic statement. A law was broken. Get over it. Or change the law. But don’t defecate on the person whose job it is to enforce it. It wasn’t like B got a ticket for doing 26 in a 25 zone or something. As far as traffic laws are concerned, blowing a stop sign is significant.

  4. Magic Magic

    BPD and IUPD sux, as I think you have documented many times…….B

    That sucks though, right b4 your going back!

  5. lemming lemming

    Ouch! Glad that no one was hurt, though. As your Katrina experience points out, people are more important than possessions – or, in this case, the wherewithal to buy possessions.

    Can’t believe that it will take * weeks * for processing. !!!!

  6. Ouch! Amazing. Still, I’m glad no one was hurt. As your Katrina experience points out, people are more important than possessions – or, in this case, the wherewithal with which to purchase possessions.

    Weeks! Sheesh.

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