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Better Safe

I woke around dawn to the sound of heavy downpouring rain. After it kept up for a while, I reluctantly dragged myself out of bed, put on a pair of boxers, some sandals, and a baseball hat, and ran out to move the car up to the driveway. Xy tried to tell me it wasn’t necessary, but I’ve learned my lesson from last time. Of course, when I got back into bed, the rain seemed to taper off significantly, but hey — better safe than sorry, right?

Three or four hours later, when I went out the front door on my way to work, I discovered a huge tree limb had broken off the neighbor’s tree, a live oak, and landed in the street. This was no mere twig. It was massive enough to do serious damage. And it was in the exact spot where our car had been.

Published inMiscellaneousWeather & Seasons


  1. Jack Schick Jack Schick

    Serendipitous Synchronicity,
    Thank You Jesus!
    I Love having the Grace…what a warm-fuzzy…

  2. Jack Schick Jack Schick

    Hey B., and y’all…
    They are running the two-hour documentary “Gasland” on the various HBO
    channels today and the next few days. It is packed with lots of Info about
    all the toxics–and answered the question about flaring the natch gas….
    all the gas-well lands of Wyoming, Colorado, other states…the locals are poisoned, like y’all,
    by air and water toxics, horrible abuse of Mineral Leasing rules.
    GASLAND…throw a viewing and taping party for brainy folks…
    and y’all really ought to be making multiple academic use copies of this for
    the survival training of everybody, and particularly students and
    those who are propagandized by the Industry…”GASLAND”
    I’m watching it now and have it set to DishDVR after midnight, but they are
    running this primetime, and scattered times on their different channels.

  3. Good call. And I hear you about the rain. I fucking hate rainy nights. Getting up in the middle of the night and driving down the streets at 4 a.m. will never be fun.

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