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Call & Response

I was playing with the girl yesterday, and I asked her some silly question I don’t even remember now. Then I answered my own question, “Yes you are,” and gave her belly a little rub.

She laughed.

So I repeated myself, “Yes you are,” and rubbed her belly again.

And she laughed again.

“Yes you are.” Belly rub. Laugh. “Yes you are.” Belly rub. Laugh. “Yes you are.” Belly rub. Laugh. “Yes you are.” Belly rub. Laugh. “Yes you are.” Belly rub. Laugh. “Yes you are.” Belly rub. Laugh. “Yes you are.” Belly rub. Laugh. “Yes you are.” Belly rub. Laugh.

That was pretty cool. It was like a conversation. She’s getting to be more like a person every day.

Published inFamilyMiscellaneous


  1. Mary Mary

    or how about when she asks for the umpteenth time “can i borrow the car?”
    can I borrow the car
    can I borrow the car
    ad infinitum

  2. PJ – that’s a good one – about repetition.

    I ask myself some days, with my 2-yr old, just how many times I’m going to have to repeat things before the lesson ‘takes’.

    (Don’t lean on the baby – she’s very fragile; yes, we have to go to the potty before bedtime – everyone does it; no, we don’t eat snacks before dinner…)

    I find myself restating the obvious over and over and over. And I’ll probably be feeling this way for years.

    But I guess it’s a small price to pay.

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