Last night we had a house party for Adam Wilson, who is running for State Senate in District 4 here in Louisiana. He’s the Green candidate, running against an independent and a Democrat on December 4th.
I’d say the party was a success on several counts. We had more guests than we expected. All the beer got drunk, and a lot of the liquor, and all the food got eaten. A number of people told me they’d never had vegan jambalaya before. Over $400 was raised for the campaign and the Green Party of Louisiana. A number of people were exposed to the Green concept for the first time. Our musical guest, the White Bitch (a.k.a. Michael Patrick Welch) rocked. I personally had a great time, and so did Xy.
Unfortunately I didn’t get the camera out until almost everybody had left, so I don’t have any good pictures, but I think Adam’s campaign manager Jason Neville shot a roll of film.
Not a good picture:
As for Adam, he’s running on platform to:
- reintroduce the “Contraceptive Equity Bill” which would require health insurance plans to cover contraceptives
- restore cut funding to Charity Hospital and establish universal healthcare
- raise the minimum wage to a living wage
- provide public financing to City Park
- support lead abatement programs
Adam Wilson should not be confused with Adam Holmes who is running for vice-president of Ridgeview Elementary School.
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