And now another knotty naughty rowdy body
of bawdy slaughterhouse pottymouth slack-baked slander
slips from my lips to land in your lap
kersplat -- smackdab in
the trumped-up tripe of overripe hype
the claptrap of claques and saps
the jabbering jactitations of jaw-jacking jackasses
the hypnotic hymnodic homiletic hyperbole of hypocrites
and self-serving dimwits
so fuck it
this modern-day media circus is worthless
with the truth-seekers and the sooth-speakers
shunted aside and relegated to the ranks of the rubes
the rattle-brained fools
the faint-hearted artists and clumsy-ass clowns
and they say you can't keep a good man down
but the truth is sleazier
there ain't nothin' easier
keep a man down and he ain't no good
they say virtue is its own reward
but it's ignored
the pay is so puny
you'd have to be loony
to do what's right just becuz it's right
with no paycheck in sight
they say that nice guys finish last
while all the bastards go faster
and that's the disaster of our capitalistic system be continued...